Friday, February 22, 2013

Interview: Marketing tips for Small Business start up

An interview with a small business owner:

I went out to talk to small business owners to find out how they got their first customers.  Meet Brigitta White, a dance movement and yoga teacher.  Within one year, she was able to make a profit.  I filmed these interviews to help small business owners to be inspire to get new ideas for their business.  You can listen to this in the background.  She has some great ideas.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Twitter: a tutorial

I'm part of a social media networking group on facebook (Potomac Valley Social Media group if you are interested).  Some of them are perplex to twitter as I was.  I made this video to introduce them and get them started on twitter.  I thought I'd share to the world.

Note:  This is the basics of how I use twitter.  Once you start to feel comfortable with it then you can plan your own strategy.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Retail Biz owner: Kim Hutchings

I started a first customers series a bit back, to find out how business owners got their business started.

Meet Boutique store-front co-owner: Kim Hutchings as she talks about what it takes to start up.  Her store broke even in 6 months.  This is part 1 of a 4 part series on how she and her business partner got started.  (click here to see the whole interview)

You can visit Kim's online store at: